Pass The Word Unit 6

by - enero 15, 2021


Today, I would like to share a game I usually prepare for my students: the famous Pass the word.

I created my own Pass the word template with PowerPoint, which I can modify when necessary to adapt it to the current vocabulary we are working on. It is a very funny way of revising before our exams and students just love it. If you add some music and emojis, it will be even better!

Here you have the link: Pass the Word Unit 6.

Here you have the answers too:


A: Beak: the hard part of a bird's mouth.

B: Butterfly: an insect with large, patterned wings.

C: Crocodile: a big reptile with a long mouth and sharp teeth, that lives in lakes and rivers.

D: Salamander: a small animal that looks like a lizard but has soft skin and lives both on land and in water.

E: Sheep: a farm animal with thick wool that eats grass and is kept for its woolskin, and meat.

F: Fin: a thintriangular part on a fish, which helps it to swim.

G: Goldfish: a smallorange fish that is often kept as a pet.

H: Horse: a large animal with four legs, which people ride or use to pull heavy things.

I: Tiger: a large wild animal of the cat family withorange fur with black lines that lives in parts of Asia.

J: Jellyfish: a sea animal that can put poison into your skin.

K: Trunk: the long, tube-shaped nose of an elephant.

L: Whale: a very large sea mammal that breathes air through a hole at the top of its head.

M: Monkey: a hairy animal with a long tail that lives in hot countries and climbs trees.

N: Snake: a reptile with a long body and no legs.

O: Worm: a small animal with a longnarrowsoft body without armslegs, or bones.

P: Parrot: a tropical bird with a curved beak and colourful feathers that can be taught to copy what people say.

Q: Mosquito: a small flying insect that sucks your blood, sometimes causing malaria.

R: Frog: a smallgreen animal with long back legs for jumping that lives in or near water.

S: Shark: a large fish that has sharp teeth and a pointed fin on its back.

T: Tail: a part of an animal's bodysticking out from the base of the back, or something similar in shape or position.

U: Tusk: either of the two longpointed teeth of some animals such as elephants.

V: Vet: the person who takes care of animals when they are sick or hurt.

W: Claw: one of the sharpcurved nails on the feet of some animals and birds.

X: Extinct: When an animal no longer exists because it is dead.

Y: Fly: a small insect with two wings.

Z: Chimpanzee: an African animal like a large monkey.

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