Collaborative Writing

by - octubre 22, 2020


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  Today, students have prepared this activity in the classroom. In two groups, they had to write their own story, following the guidelines of the activity. Here you can see the result! 

Complete one part of the story of a dangerous adventure.
Then, fold the paper over and pass it to the person on your left.

Last year my friend and I were feeling adventurous and so we decided to go to… (WHERE DID YOU DECIDED TO GO?)

In preparation for our trip, I had… (WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?)

The  day our adventure started, we were wearing… (WHAT WERE YOU WEARING?)

A little while later, we heard a growl. We turned around and saw… (WHAT DID YOU SEE AND WHAT WAS IT DOING?)

We immediately… (WHAT DID YOU DO?)

Later that day, we met a group of people who had been… (WHAT HAD THEY BEEN DOING?)

We thought it would be fun to spend some time with them so we decided to… (WHAT DID YOU DECIDED TO DO?)

The best thing that happened to us was on the last day… (WHAT HAPPENED THE LAST DAY?)

It was the perfect ending for our unusual adventure.

Group 1 Version

Group 2 Version

It was really funny and you can see both stories are completely different. Remember it is very important to foster students creativity too.
    Until next time!

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