Marketing and Shopping

by - marzo 04, 2021


We have already started Unit 8, and the vocabulary of this unit has to do with Marketing and Shopping. Therefore, I created some activities to introduce the topic:

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Vocabulary - marketing & Shopping

attract - atraer
budget - presupuesto
flyer - folleto
free sample - muestra gratuita
increase - aumentar
make - marca
price range - gama de precios
product - producto
purchase - comprar, adquirir
shop display - escaparate
strategy - estrategia

bargain - ganga, oferta
cash - dinero en efectivo, metálico
credit card - tarjeta de crédito
discount - descuento
exchange - cambiar (dinero)
guarantee - garantía
on sale - a la venta
price tag - etiqueta de precio
receipt - ticket de compra, recibo
reduce - rebajar, reducir
refund - devolver, reembolsar
save up - ahorrar
special offer - oferta especial

Complete the sentences using vocabulary related to Marketing:
We've printed a _____________ to promote our new shop.
What you need is a clear _______________ to achieve your objectives.
We need to _____________ the number of people that come into the shop.
What ______________ is your brother's car? Is it a Hyundai or a Toyota?
Our _____________ for marketing campaign is limited. We must keep the costs down.
This shop sells hi-tech ________________ at cheap prices.

Complete the crossword using vocabulary related to Shopping:

4. The paper you need to get a product repaired.
6. A reduction in the usual price
8. When a product has a special and lower price for a short period of time
12. To keep money for the future
13. What you do with your money when you travel to a place where Euro is not used

1. Something you buy at a low price
2. What you use to pay when you don't have cash
3. The money that is given back to you if you return a product
5. To lower the price of something
7. Notes and coins
9. The piece of paper that tells you the price of an item
10. The paper you need to change or return your product
11. When you can buy something

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