A Trip to Copenhagen

by - mayo 29, 2020



You are going to watch a video explaining the main features about a city: Copenhagen. Pay attention because your final project should be similar to this one.

Before watching the following video, match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a-j next to the numbers 1-10. Then, you will listen to it in the video.

1.____ stylish
2.____ unique
3.____ amusement
4.____ toppings                          
5.____ taciturn                          
6.____ annually                            
7.____ gourmands                        
8.____ venues                               
9.____ hint                                    

a. A slight or indirect indication or suggestion.
b. A person who enjoys eating and often eats too much
c. A layer of food poured or spread over a base of a different type of food to add flavour.
d. Fashionably elegant and sophisticated.
e. The provision or enjoyment of entertainment.
f. The place where something happens, especially an  organized event such as concert, conference or sport competition.
g. Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
h. Reserved or uncommunicative in speech.
i. A particular place or point
j. Once a year; every year

road trip

Video - Listening

Watch the video and fill in the gaps:

1. Copenhagen is the capital of _______________
2. Copenhagen’s location makes it unique because it is the ___________ between Europe and Scandinavia.
3. Smorrebrod is a piece of __________ with butter and various toppings on it. 
4. There is a music program going on in this place, and apart from major events such as Friday Rock and Summer Classical, there is ______ music in Tivoli every single day.
5. They are shy and drink a lot, but they are very ___________ and ____________.
6. Learning Danish is very ____________.
7. Copenhagen Jazz Festival takes place annually, every _________.
8. There is also a Copenhagen Cooking & Food Festival, which is the _______________ festival in the country. 
9. Copenhagen offers a lot of ___________ spots. 
10. This city is full of galleries, ________, dance performances, film and live music venues, and they can all be reached on foot, _____________ or by public transport.

Watch it again and circle the best answer to these questions:

1. How is the weather in Copenhagen?
a.   It is usually sunny and hot.
b.   It is frequently cloudy or rainy.
c.   It is always dark and cold.
2. What makes Copenhagen unique?
a.     Its location
b.    Its weather
c.     Its people
3. What is Smorrebrod?
a.     It is a type of bike in Copenhagen
b.    It is the name of a bridge
c.     It is a piece of bread, traditional dish.
4. How are people in Copenhagen?
a.     They are rude
b.    They are shy but helpful
c.     They don’t speak English
5. What is the perfect soundtrack for Copenhagen?
a.     Rock
b.    Classical Music
c.     Jazz
6. When was the Copenhagen Jazz Festival founded?
a.     1990
b.    1953
c.     1979
7. Which one is the best-known festival in the country?
a.     Christmas holidays
b.    Copenhagen cooking & Food Festival
c.     Annual Carnival

Now that you have watched this video, collect some ideas or structures that might be useful for your group presentation and discuss it with your groupmates. 

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