Pass the Word Unit 9

by - marzo 30, 2020


Here you have a new Pass the Word I prepared for my students to review the vocabulary of Unit 9. Enjoy it!


This is the vocabulary used:

A: Auld lang syne: buenos tiempos de antaño

B: Blind: ciego

C: Chat: charlar

D: Deaf: sordo

E: Hearing loss: perdida de audición

F: Sniff: olfatear

G: Guide dog: perro guía

H: Hearing aid: audífono

I: In one's teens: durante la adolescencia

K: Stroke: acariciar

L: Odourless: inodoro

M: Mute: mudo

N: Sign language: lengua de signos

O: Touch: tacto

P: Perceive: percibir

R: Bright : brillante

S: Sight: vista

T: Taste: gusto, sabor

U: Unable: que no es capaz

V: Visually-impaired: discapacitado visual

W: Win-win: beneficioso para ambas partes

Y: Chilly: húmedo
Z: Squeezy: que se aprieta

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