As I have already
show you, I usually prepare games for my students which are very helpful to
review the vocabulary of the unit.
time, I recreated a version of the famous game Who wants to be a Millionaire
with the vocabulary of unit 2 (risks and danger). Here you have the link: Boom Unit 2.
is the vocabulary I used for this game:
1. Turn back: darse la vuelta
2. Give up: rendirse
3. Prove: demostrar
4. Dare: atreverse
5. Support: apoyar
6. Encourage: animar
7. Struggle: luchar
8. Regret: arrepentirse
9. Avoid: evitar
10. Take risks: correr riesgos
11. Go wrong: salir mal
12. Amaze: impresionar
13. Daring: atrevido
14. Skeptical: escéptico
15. Humble: humilde
16. Tough: duro
17. Inspiring: inspirador
18. Courageous: valiente
19. Ambitious: ambicioso
20. Determined: decidido
21. Charming: encantador
22. Influential: influyente
23. Fearless: valiente
Have fun!

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