Relatives Exercises

by - noviembre 19, 2020


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Hi guys! We are already in Unit 4 and it's time to revise the relative pronouns. Here you have some extra exercises to practice! Good luck!

A. Complete each sentence with a word below.
who ■ whose ■ when ■ where ■ which
1. Jim can’t remember the room ........................... he left his glasses.
2. He showed us the car ........................... he wants to buy.
3. That’s the man ........................... stole my bag.
4. I still remember the moment ........................... I first saw her.
5. We have never met the neighbours ........................... flat is above ours.

B. Combine each pair of sentences with a relative clause. Make any necessary changes.
1. I bought my first car ten years ago. I was a salesman then.
2. There is a girl in my class. Her family emigrated from India.
3. Mark’s sister is getting married tomorrow. She has just graduated.
4. Lots of people walk in the park. I jog there every morning.
5. My uncle’s farm is twenty kilometres from here. We often visit it.
6. The young boy was given a reward. He had saved the drowning child.

C. Correct the error in each of the sentences.
1. The boy which sits next to me in class is very clever.
2. Our cat, that we all loved very much, died last week.
3. The man who car was stolen was very upset.
4. The school which I had studied as a child was destroyed in a fire.
5. At the weekend, that my family is at home, we have breakfast together.

D. Complete the passage with suitable words. There may be more than one correct answer.
March 17th is an Irish holiday 1. ............................... honours the patron saint of Ireland, St Patrick, 2................................ brought Christianity to the Irish people. According to tradition, St Patrick, 3................................ father was a wealthy man, was actually born in England. At the age of 16, he was kidnapped by pirates and sold as a slave. Some years later, he escaped to France, 4................................ he lived for many years and became a priest. At the age of 60, 5................................ he returned to Ireland, he built his first church. On March 17th, the day 6................................ St Patrick died, people wear green clothes decorated with the shamrock, 7................................ is the national symbol of Ireland.

Keep working!

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