Gibraltar - CLIL Project
Hi guys! In this last term, students are going to visit Gibraltar. Then, we have decided it was a great opportunity to prepare a CLIL project. Our main goal is to provide the students
with some facts about Gibraltar and make them research for information about
the different topics related to History, Geography, Natural Sciences,
Technology, Maths and Music. Thus, learning a lot about the culture of this
unique place and improving their English at the same time in a fun, interactive
The project will follow different steps:
Step 1: In the English classroom, I will explain what the activity and the visit to
Gibraltar. will be like. We will read all the worksheet questions in the classroom to check they
understand everything. Before the visit, they will do some research at home too.
Step 2: One-day trip looking for information in situ.
Step 3: Worksheet completion. Click here to have it.
Have fun!

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